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תוצאות שנמצאו: 2
Medical simulation center, Simulated Patients, Medical Simulators

Medical simulation center, Simulated Patients, Medical Simulators « acls

(הקשות: 1088;הוספת האתר בתאריך: Feb 13, 2014, acls)
The Israel Center for Medical Simulation (MSR) is a world leader in simulation-based medical education. MSR works to reduce errors and improve quality of care by training healthcare professionals on teamwork, clinical and communication skills

medical simulation center simulated patients medical simulators anesthesia simulation anesthesia training acrm acls simulator
Emergency Medical education

Emergency Medical education « acls

(הקשות: 1002;הוספת האתר בתאריך: May 22, 2014, acls)
Medical Instruction and Course Development

acls first aid first aid medical דפיברילטור החייאה עזרה ראשונה